Our “Quality for the future” emblem guarantees that all our products fulfil the five manufacturing criteria for ageing-resistant paper materials prescribed by EN ISO 9706. They comply with the technological requirements specified by all relevant standards and regulations including ISO 16254, type A.
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Q-Lab: The quality of the past lies in the future

KLUG-CONSERVATION's Q-Lab is entirely dedicated to research and development. Constant exchange between a team consisting of scientists, engineers, technologists and users safeguards the preservation of history, while working on an innovative future. Never satisfied, and always looking for the very best products to preserve cultural artefacts, our experts are developing new and ever better products. Top quality and a leading edge are ensured by the Development Department with an in-house lab. That's KLUG.


KLUG-CONSERVATION’s IPM is in our house implemented as a standard, with all its measures corresponding to DIN EN 16790: “Conservation of cultural heritage - Integrated pest management (IPM) for protection of cultural heritage”. The self-monitoring system includes coordination of measures necessary for prevention or during infestation. It comprises three core areas.
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Individual product
In a constructive dialogue as partners, our experts help you to develop your desired product in compliance with individual specifications – from planning to development and realisation. With guaranteed ageing resistance, from prototype to large-scale production.
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We have excellent links to the paper industry, academies, research societies and universities.
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