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Preserving values
Quality for the future

With our »Quality for the future« emblem we guarantee that all KLUG products fulfil the requirements to meet maximum archival permanency (ageing resistant). Each of our products has a "Quality guarantee certificate", which legally covers far more than the normal warranty terms, ensuring that the material used meets the requirements for guaranteed permanency.
For you as our valued customer that implies, regardless of any individual tests and results, such as those from independent institutes, for example "The Paper Technological Foundation (PTS)", the quality of the product supplied meets the guaranteed requirements stated in the guarantee certificate. If the quality of the product delivered is contrary to your expectation, then you may with this binding certificate claim for damage, for replacement or for return without any obligation.
We request you to contact the Quality Assurance dept. at quality@klug-conservation.com oder directly by telephone at +49 (0)8323 9653 340.
This applies even if the delivered product does not officially have a "Quality guarantee certificate" provided. Generally a quality guarantee covers the entire product and not just an individual lot. Apart from a batch test or just certain materials of the product being tested, which is sometimes required in tenders, these tests will always offer you a glimpse into the past. The tests in general do not cover the audition of the complete product. The "Quality guarantee certficate" provides our customers and endusers of KLUG products an indefinite guarantee far beyond the legally required minimium of 24 months.
Our »Quality for the future« emblem guarantees that all our products fulfil the five manufacturing criteria for ageing-resistant paper materials prescribed by EN ISO 9706. The products comply with the technological requirements specified by all relevant standards and regulations including EN ISO 9706:2010, ISO 16245:2012 and DIN 6738:2007 LDK 24-85 (the highest lifespan class!).
KLUG products made for photographic archival storage have successfully passed the Photographic Activity Test (PAT) ISO 18916:2007. Paper and board materials can only be then considered ageing resistant, hence permanent, if each of the above criteria is met. One can only in this way offer optimal protection against harmful environmental influences.

- The materials used are made from 100 % bleached cellulose, free from recycled and wooden fibres. (Kappa value 1 – 2)
- The materials are glued with neutral/synthetic sizing. (without alum additive).
- The paper and board materials used are free from acidifying substances. (acid-free)
- The natural calcium carbonate buffer (GCC) with more than 2% prevents atmospheric acidity.
- The pH is between 8.0 and 9.5 in accordance with ISO 6588-1:2012 cold extract.

Picture right: Guaranteed ageing resistant paper and board products with active environmental protection.