2nd revised and enlarged edition of » Paper and water « by Gerhard Banik and Irene Brückle. A guide for conservators, research scientists and papermakers.

This textbook presents a comprehensive survey of the current state of knowledge regarding the multifaceted characteristics of paper and the chemical/physical principles of its interaction with water.

The didactic arrangement of the contents aims to illustrate complex chemical/physical processes primarily by explanatory graphics and models; practical information can thus help to achieve a material-sciences foundation on which pertinent conservational procedures can be developed independently

The book is primarily conceived for paper conservators and restorers, but should also be directed towards the manufacturers of papers and boards conforming to museum-quality standards. The DVD included with the book has animated diagrammes and video clips for additional visualisation of the mechanisms of complex interactions of cellulose and/or paper with water. The 15 chapters discuss not only the generally comprehensible scientific principles of paper technology in combination with important working techniques in paper conservation, but these are expanded with a comprehensive glossary to help unify terminology. For the new edition of the textbook, the graphics and video clips have been improved; the existing chapters were revised and parts expanded to reflect recent research and developments and to add new bibliographical material. A newly added chapter discusses options for the analytical characterisation of cellulose and paper both with regard to underlying principles and interpretational relevance in consideration of ageing patterns influenced by water.

With contributions by:
Vincent Daniels (The British Museum), Ute Henniges/Antje Potthast (Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), Wien), D. Steven Keller (Miami University), Joanna M. Kosek (The British Museum), Reinhard Lacher (Fa. RL Paper Consulting, Much), Günther Wegele (†, former KLUG-CONSERVATION, Immenstadt), Anthony W. Smith (ehemals Camberwell College of Arts, London) und von Paul M. Whitmore (Art Conservation  Research Center, Yale University)

The second revised edition of » Paper and water « by Gerhard Banik and Irene Brückle can be purchased from Publisher Dr. Christian Müller-Straten, Kunzweg 23, 81243 München, ISBN: 978-3-932704-68-0, verlagcms@t-online.de, 96,- €.

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